brown mama and brown baby in the shower, wrapped in a black mesh water sling

Water Friendly Baby Carriers

January 11, 20243 min read

“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.”

- Loren Eiseley

Playing in water is such an amazing way to spend time with your little one and water friendly baby carriers are a great addition to your parenting toolkit!

Water friendly carriers can be fully submergible or best used at the splash pad. They come in a variety of fabrics but they hold their shape and continue to securely carry baby while wet. In fact some work best when wet as the dry fabric of some water slings can sometimes be slippery when dry so even if used on land it's recommended to wet the fabric a bit to ensure a secure carry.

Water carriers also come in a variety of types such as ring slings, long wraps and buckle carriers. Whichever type you choose they are a fantastic option year round in all types of situations.

Let me share 5 situations where water friendly baby carriers are an asset:

1. Taking a shower with baby

 There will be times when you'll need to get in the shower with your little one and having a carrier to keep them secure and prevent falls will be so very helpful. The newborn stage can be very intense and being able to give yourself and your baby a refreshing shower can boost your mood, calm a fussy baby and give you both a quick clean. Showers can also really help if your infant/toddler is feeling poorly and you're wanting to bring down a fever or relieve some congestion.

2. Visiting the beach or lake

Whether you are headed to the beach or cooling off at the lake, a water carrier can come in handy to keep your little one close. It's a great way to introduce a huge body of water to them, especially if they feel unsure about waves, or the new setting. It also means you don't have to struggle through sandy or rocky terrain with a stroller.

3. Pool trips

Taking your baby to the pool can be so much fun however getting them out and ready to leave can be a whole ordeal especially if you're by yourself or have more than 1 child to tend to. Using a water carrier means your baby is secure and you have 2 hands to hold onto hand rails, to carry your belongings, to wash, dry and dress yourselves. It's also amazing if you're a mom of multiples because you can keep your baby securely attached to you as you wade in the water with your older child.

4. Enjoying the spray park

Some carriers aren't designed to be submerged but are made with fabric that is quick drying and forgiving of water so they are great to use at the spray park, splash pad or while enjoying the sprinkler in your yard. These can help you both keep cool while your baby enjoys the water spray.

5. In hot weather

Some people live in places that are very hot or humid and that can make babywearing very uncomfortable. Some people may choose to not babywear at all for fear of overheating with baby attached to them. Water carriers are a very helpful way to keep your baby close and cool in hot weather. Whether you live somewhere that gets very hot or are travelling, a water friendly carrier can become indispensable in those situations.

Keep in mind...

Never go swimming with baby in any carrier.

Keep the water level at or below your waist.

Be aware that some water friendly fabrics can slip when dry.

Do not babywear in boats or other water vehicles or during activities where life vests are required.

Here's a list of companies that make water friendly carriers:

Aloha and Light


Beachfront Baby



Frog Orange

Gustine Baby

Hippie Joey

Integra Baby


Lenny Lamb


MaM Water Wrap Sling


Mini Monkey

Naked Panda Designs

SewFunky Baby Sling

Here are some other brands to look for:

Wrapsody Baby

Oh Sew Baby


Please note this is not an exhaustive list. If there is a company I've missed, let me know!

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Karla is a mama of five and a CBWS & Slingababy Trained Babywearing Educator with over 12.5 years of babywearing experience.

Karla Castro

Karla is a mama of five and a CBWS & Slingababy Trained Babywearing Educator with over 12.5 years of babywearing experience.

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